Boost your Bust

Friday, December 14, 2018

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan participated in the First Judicial Conference of the Constitution and Supreme Courts of the Member / Observer States.a portion of the journalist Jamal Spoonbill separates the murder of his speech, Erdogan, Turkey's determination in this case in advance the release point was emphasized once again.
"This is not a matter of murder."
President Erdoğan said:
The issue is clear in every aspect. For me, who the perpetrator is. Because it is very clear that 15 people were sent to Istanbul. The place where the incident was committed.
We asked the authorities sent to us; There are perpetrators in this 15th, you know, and you're also a victim of the perpetrator. Their answer; We've arrested 18 people right now, and then we got 22.

Yellow vests and immigrant hostility

Yesterday's response came to such reactions as ’The Moorish have the right to rebel and there are no French people D.

It is a right to demand the reduction of taxes and the raising of salaries, and I don't say anything to the French who uses this right.

However, this uprising, which includes the anti-fascist National Front supporters' role, and which includes the anti-immigration force, also put French President Emmanuel Macron at the forefront to extinguish the fire of rebellion, which leads him to give the word of Fransa facing the problem of migrants ın, Melenchon's supporters also play a decisive role, and Melenchon, too, is a man who can speak of l the French worker who is deprived of the oil that the French worker will eat because of the immigrants mah - a story that is too long to be linked to a poem on colonialism / neocolonialism, imperialism and racism. nothing. (The uprising of the Moorish youth in the outskirts of Paris in 2005 a the riots that took place in Lille and Toulouse before - was a rebellion against racism.)

Thursday, December 13, 2018

What is geminid metor rain?

When will Geminid Meteor Shower be seen? What is Geminid Meteor Rain?
The Geminid Meteor Shower was Doodle. So what is Geminid Meteor Rain? The Geminid Meteor Rain will be the last visual feast of this year. When will the Meteor Rain be seen?

What is Geminid Meteor Rain? The world's most used search engine Google, 2018 will be the last sky feast Geminid Meteor Shower Doodle made. So what is Geminid Meteor Rain? Here are the details 

Geminid, known as "the king of the meteor showers", is formed by rock fragments that appear as an extinct comet in the orbit around the Sun at 3200 Phaethon.

In the case of a sufficiently dark condition, after the hour at 00.00, an average of about 50 "star-drifts" can be seen per hour. What do we have to photograph the star sky feast?

East of Euphrates and Syria's still uncertain future

In Syria, the waters flowed more than once under the bridge. Actors in the field sometimes lost and sometimes lost their advantages and areas. Today's table has come to a point where almost all players are satisfied with the situation and do not want any more tension. except Turkey ...

Let's take a look bir

Diet; In other words, the Assad administration is defending its lost country to a level that will satisfy itself, even if it is not exactly the military and political support of Russia and Iran. Most importantly, the USA, clearly in countries such as France and Turkey "unasad' perspective of Syria" despite what is now the danger has passed. Although Syria was virtually divided, no one was able to find a better or better alternative than Assad. And yet she is sitting in Damascus despite all the great bad words. Devastated and sovereignty of the country and have lost their refugee status drop to one third of the population at the expense of the Syrian dictator ... that's enough. Now it is in the hands of the winners.